Terms and Conditions


-A $50 deposit is to be paid to secure your order and must be paid by the due date.

-This deposit is to secure your chosen date in my diary. it covers admin, booking and any elements that needed to buy or make in advance for your order.

-a large deposit may be asked if a special ingredient or component needs to be made or bought for your order.

-there is STRICTLY no refunds on a deposit.

Partial payment

-A partial payment may be scheduled if the deposit does not cover the cost of components that need to be bought or made in advanced. This must be paid by the due date in order for your order to proceed. If payment is not made on time your order will be cancelled.

-A partial payment is also used if you have ordered cookies. This is because, cookies are made 4-5 days in advance in order for them to dry in time.

Balance and deadline

-The balance is due on the due date on your invoive.

-If the balance is not paid on time, your order will not be started and will be cancelled without a refund.

-By paying the balance you are agreeing that the order is proceeding and any payments made will not be refunded if you cancel.


-orders can only be rescheduled if your new date is AVAILABLE and must be the original order in order to not lose your deposit.


-any cancelation of orders is an automatic lose of deposit, as the deposit is used to secure your date, admin and to buy or make any elements needed for your order.

-by paying the balance, you are agreeing that the order is PROCEEDING and any payment made will not be refunded if you cancel the order.

My obligation

-I take my obligation seriously. However, if an unforeseeable event occurs that prevents me from fulfilling your order, you will receive a refund. If possible, I will work with you to find another business to assist you with your order.

Pick up

-Your cake will be packaged in a cake box (with the exception of extremely large or gravity defying cakes that may not fit packaging).

-Under no circumstances should the cake be transported anywhere else but in the car boot. This is the safest way, as the boot is completely flat unlike car seats and people’s laps. It also does not require the cake to be tilted, unlike the footwell inside the car.

-Once your order leaves our premises, you acknowledge that Best Wishes cake shop cannot be held liable for any damage or failure.

-Once you pick up your order, you assume all liability for the condition of the order once it leaves my possession.

-It is recommended to drive extremely careful when transporting a cake. Turns, stops and starts should be preformed in an exaggeratedly slow manner. Avoiding bumps, jiggling and hills.

-Keep in mind that cakes are very fragile and sensitive to temperature. Cakes should not be kept in a car for any extended length of time.

-Pick up times are an agreed upon time and are arranged on approx 2 days before pick up. If you can not make it to the agreed upon time, you must communicate this asap and if possible another time will be arranged but not guaranteed.


-Most cakes DO NOT need to go in the fridge. If your cake DOES, I will notify you as well as have a sticker on the box to remind you. Cakes that do not need to go in the fridge can be left in the box and/or on a stable surface away from any heat source, little fingers and animals. Cakes should not be kept in a car for any extended length of time.


-I offer free pickup at set times. I also offer delivery at an additional cost at set times and days.

-all wedding cakes can only be delivered,

-Once a cake is delivered (and if needed, assembled and setup at your venue), Best Wishes Cake Shop is not responsible for any damage once delivered.

-Whether your venue is inside or outside, it is your responsibility to take necessary precautions, temperature control etc to ensure that your cake remains intact beyond initial setup.

-If your cake gets moved by someone else not employed by Best Wishes Cake Shop and is damaged, Best Wishes Cake Shop is not liable.


-We use Australia post to deliver our posted products. please allow longer than expected delivery times during peak periods.

-once your package has left our premises, you acknowledge that Best Wishes cake shop cannot be held liable for any damage or failure to deliver. If damage or failure to deliver occurs you will have to file a claim with Australia post.

-only cookies can be posted


-Best Wishes Cake Shop reserves the right to take and use our own photos of your order for marketing or promotional purposes. If you wish for us not to do so, please let us know when you are placing the order. The photos are published as early as one week after your order being fulfilled.


-Pictures are for inspiration only. I do my best to replicate a picture but it is not always possible.

-Pictures are not always accurate. colours and lighting in photos may be slightly different to what you end up with.

-Whilst I make very effort to provide the exact proportions, flavours, fillings, decorations, sizes, shapes and colours you have requested, what I do is an art and may be subject to slight variations and/or errors.

-You have full access to photos on my Facebook page to see my level of skill before you place your order.


-If you wish to have fresh or dried flowers on your cake you acknowledge they are not a food product and may contain pesticide/herbicide residues, dirt, insects and/or other contaminants.